A Dream Devine
Actually, A Dream Devine isn't even a poem. It is, quite literally, a dream. The dream that spurred my younger years. Unfortunately, reality decided that it was time for me to wake up, and so my "alarm clock" slapped me in the face.
17 December, 2001
As a kid I always wanted to visit the stars. But as I got older, I realized that the odds of me getting into space, let alone a nearby star, were astronomically against me.
I can honestly say I that got my wish. God granted me my most cherished dream: I got to be close to a star, in fact all of them. He went so far as to even let me touch and hold them. He even let me taste them. And believe you me, nothing tastes so good as stars!
Space is not black. It's brown. And contained, in it's entirety within two small, oblate spheres. These spheres are decievingly small, but only on the outside. On the inside, they are infinitely large!
Heaven isn't some far off, distant Aidenn, rather it is as close as a lovers eyes. Hell? Hell is right behind them, but you forget that it even exists, that is until they leave. Because that is Hell: not being with the one you love.
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